
Martinus Rørbye’s travel journals and letters

About the catalogue

The catalogue of art works serves to identify the paintings that Rørbye mentions having done during his travels, in addition to a few undocumented works that can reasonably also be attributed to the travel years.

The works are reproduced as far as possible, but mainly in low resolution, as the illustrations are only intended as an aid to identifying the individual works. In all cases, the reader is referred to the indicated owners for better image reproductions.

An attempt has been made to reconstruct the provenance of the individual works as completely as is currently possible, but will continue to be the subject of research.

Under exhibition history, only the exhibitions that are relevant for understanding a work's reception, dating, subject, provenance, etc. are listed, which means both older exhibitions and later retrospective exhibitions. Of the latter, the most important exhibitions are those organized by Kunstforeningen in 1905 and 1930, by Thorvaldsens Museum in 1981, by Øregaard Museum and Skovgaard Museet in 2014-15, and by Nivaagaards Malerisamling and Ribe Kunstmuseum in 2014-15.

For the individual works, specific reference is also made to the two current inventories of Rørbye's paintings, namely Jørgen B. Hartmann: "Arbejder af M. Rørbye omtalte i rejsedagbøgerne 1834-41" in Personalhistorisk Tidsskrift, 1950, pp. 22-66 as well as the general register in the catalogue from the Rørbye exhibition at Thorvaldsens Museum 1981.

Additional information and photographs are gratefully received and can be sent to the project editor Jesper Svenningsen, Owner information is of course treated with discretion.